We hear this time and time again..'Comparison is the thief of joy' and we agree, yet we regularly find ourselves comparing ourselves to others. I, myself actually became quite good for not using comparison as a scale against myself but lately I find myself reversing back to comparing myself to others more and more.
Comparing ourselves to others is pretty much all down to our own insecurities and we all go through phases of feeling our insecurities more than we normally would and I guess I'm going through one of those phases and for a few reasons..
I've spoken about my body confidence issues here and there throughout my blog and thankfully I have grown more comfortable with my body but I'm going through a phase of simply not being body confident at all really.. this in turn leads to comparing and the question 'why?..'
Why amn't I as pretty as her? Why isn't my waist as small as hers? Why aren't my legs as long as hers? Why aren't my boobs as big as hers? Why amn't I as thin as her? Why isn't my bum as toned as hers? etc etc etc.
Another area I find myself comparing myself to others in A LOT lately is blogging and this industry in general. I have this feeling of not being good enough compared to others that seem to be doing so so well. Don't get me wrong I'm all for seeing others do well doing what they love and am all about supporting others but that hasn't stopped me again asking 'why?'
Why amn't I as creative as her? Why aren't my pictures as good as hers? Why amn't I getting as much likes as her? Why don't I have as many followers as her? Why can't I produce as much content as her? etc etc etc.
And then finally I have found myself comparing my personality traits to others lately..
Why amn't I as confident as her? Why amn't I as funny as her? Why amn't I as outgoing as her? Why amn't I as chatty as her? etc etc etc.
I'm glad that I am quite good for reassuring myself things will get better so I'm looking at this as just a phase while focusing on accepting myself for exactly who I am, for how I look, for my creativity and for my personality. Self love, self acceptance and believing in our own capabilities is something we should all be working on constantly as life is way too short to be spent comparing our situations to others. Just think about it this way, we all have compared ourselves to others, so surly the person you have compared yourself to, has also or is currently in this phase and others surly have compared themselves to you, wishing they had something you have. We're all just human and we're all in this together.
So if you find yourself comparing yourself to others, remember we all have our own insecurities and nobody is perfect. Take steps towards self love and just do you baby gal.
"Admire others' beauty without questioning your own"
I do hope you enjoyed this post,
Love Shóna xo
Comparing ourselves to others is pretty much all down to our own insecurities and we all go through phases of feeling our insecurities more than we normally would and I guess I'm going through one of those phases and for a few reasons..
I've spoken about my body confidence issues here and there throughout my blog and thankfully I have grown more comfortable with my body but I'm going through a phase of simply not being body confident at all really.. this in turn leads to comparing and the question 'why?..'
Why amn't I as pretty as her? Why isn't my waist as small as hers? Why aren't my legs as long as hers? Why aren't my boobs as big as hers? Why amn't I as thin as her? Why isn't my bum as toned as hers? etc etc etc.
Another area I find myself comparing myself to others in A LOT lately is blogging and this industry in general. I have this feeling of not being good enough compared to others that seem to be doing so so well. Don't get me wrong I'm all for seeing others do well doing what they love and am all about supporting others but that hasn't stopped me again asking 'why?'
Why amn't I as creative as her? Why aren't my pictures as good as hers? Why amn't I getting as much likes as her? Why don't I have as many followers as her? Why can't I produce as much content as her? etc etc etc.
And then finally I have found myself comparing my personality traits to others lately..
Why amn't I as confident as her? Why amn't I as funny as her? Why amn't I as outgoing as her? Why amn't I as chatty as her? etc etc etc.
I'm glad that I am quite good for reassuring myself things will get better so I'm looking at this as just a phase while focusing on accepting myself for exactly who I am, for how I look, for my creativity and for my personality. Self love, self acceptance and believing in our own capabilities is something we should all be working on constantly as life is way too short to be spent comparing our situations to others. Just think about it this way, we all have compared ourselves to others, so surly the person you have compared yourself to, has also or is currently in this phase and others surly have compared themselves to you, wishing they had something you have. We're all just human and we're all in this together.
So if you find yourself comparing yourself to others, remember we all have our own insecurities and nobody is perfect. Take steps towards self love and just do you baby gal.
"Admire others' beauty without questioning your own"
I do hope you enjoyed this post,
Love Shóna xo
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